How to Break Through Beat Block With This Simple Sampling Strategy


Are you feeling stuck and unable to come up with new beats? Here’s a straightforward approach to jumpstart your inspiration.

This method comes from observing how Madlib, a renowned producer, works.

According to Madlib, when he’s creating, he doesn’t hesitate. “When I make beats, I just pick a record up and go,” he said. “A lot of times I don’t even look at what it is.”

Let’s call this strategy blind sampling.

This technique pushes you out of your comfort zone, challenging you to work with what you’ve got, even if it’s not the perfect fit on first listen.

It’s a simple way to rekindle your creativity, and at the same time, it sharpens your ability to sample.

Here’s how to use this strategy

To start, look for samples that are new to you. If you’re unsure where to begin, here are some excellent sources for finding unique and less-known samples quickly.

After you’ve gathered some fresh sounds, load them into your sampler immediately. Don’t allow room for second-guessing. Challenge yourself to work with the sample right away, regardless of how tricky it seems.

Stick with this practice, and before you know it, you’ll be discovering samples more efficiently and seeing a noticeable improvement in your sampling technique. Keep at it, and your beats will certainly benefit.

Do you ever get creative blocks? Read this article next for a strategy that jumpstarts your creativity.